Textures can be loaded from file, created dynamically from data; they are passed into materials and mapped onto 2D and 3D surfaces.
Texture class. Immutable, meaning properties (e.g. format, dimension, size, mip levels) cannot be changed after creation. You can, however, write data to the texture.
Default constructor for Texture.
Texture(TextureDesc texture_desc)
No description available
float[] data()
Get the most recently read texture data. This function should be called after waiting on the Event object returned by `Texture.read()`.
int depth()
Get the texture depth (immutable). For a 2D texture, depth corresponds to the number of array layers (e.g. depth=6 for a cubemap)
int dimension()
Get the texture dimension (immutable). Returns a value from the Texture.Dimension_XXXXX enum, e.g. Texture.Dimension_2D.
int format()
Get the texture format (immutable). Returns a value from the Texture.Format_XXXXX enum, e.g. Texture.Format_RGBA8Unorm.
int height()
Get the texture height (immutable)
int mips()
Get the number of mip levels (immutable). Returns the number of mip levels in the texture.
Event read()
Initializes an async readback of texture data at mip level 0 from GPU to CPU. This function returns an Event object which can be waited on until the data is ready. Access the newly acquired data via `Texture.data()`. Note that it can take several frames for the data to read back to chuck.
int usage()
Get the texture usage flags (immutable). Returns a bitmask of usage flgas from the Texture.Usage_XXXXX enum e.g. Texture.Usage_TextureBinding | Texture.Usage_RenderAttachment. By default, textures are created with ALL usages enabled.
int width()
Get the texture width (immutable)
void write(float[] pixel_data)
Convenience function for writing into a texture. Assumes pixel_data is being written into the texture origin (0,0,0) with a region equal to the full texture dimensions (width, height, depth) at mip level 0.
void write(float[] pixel_data, TextureWriteDesc write_desc)
Write pixel data to an arbitrary texture region. The input float data is automatically converted based on the texture format.
void copy(Texture dst_texture, Texture src_texture)
Copy the entire src texture to the dst texture at mip level 0.
void copy(Texture dst_texture, TextureLocation dst_location, Texture src_texture, TextureLocation src_location, int size_x, int size_y, int size_z)
Copy a region of the src texture to a location in the dst texture. The size parameter is floored to integers and specifies the 3D dimensions of the region to copy.
Texture load(string filepath)
Load a 2D texture from a file.
Texture load(string filepath, TextureLoadDesc load_desc)
Load a 2D texture from a file with additional parameters.
Texture load(string right, string left, string top, string bottom, string back, string front)
Load a cubemap texture from 6 filepaths, one for each face.
int Dimension_2D
No description available
int Format_R32Float
No description available
int Format_RGBA16Float
No description available
int Format_RGBA32Float
No description available
int Format_RGBA8Unorm
No description available
int Usage_All
Texture usage flag: all usages enabled.
int Usage_CopyDst
Texture usage flag: can be used destination for copy/write operations.
int Usage_CopySrc
Texture usage flag: can be used as a source for copy/write operations.
int Usage_RenderAttachment
Texture usage flag: texture can be used as a render attachment, i.e. written to by a render pass.
int Usage_StorageBinding
Texture usage flag: texture can be bound as a storage texture to a shader.
int Usage_TextureBinding
Texture usage flag: texture can be bound to a shader.
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Texture Sampler -- options for sampling a texture.
Default constructor for TextureSampler.
int filterMag
Magnification filter. Valid values are TextureSampler.Filter_Nearest, TextureSampler.Filter_Linear.
int filterMin
Minification filter. Valid values are TextureSampler.Filter_Nearest, TextureSampler.Filter_Linear.
int filterMip
Mip level filter. Valid values are TextureSampler.Filter_Nearest, TextureSampler.Filter_Linear.
int wrapU
U-axis (horizontal) wrap mode. Valid values are TextureSampler.Wrap_Repeat, TextureSampler.Wrap_Mirror, TextureSampler.Wrap_Clamp.
int wrapV
V-axis (vertical) wrap mode. Valid values are TextureSampler.Wrap_Repeat, TextureSampler.Wrap_Mirror, TextureSampler.Wrap_Clamp.
int wrapW
W-axis wrap mode. Valid values are TextureSampler.Wrap_Repeat, TextureSampler.Wrap_Mirror, TextureSampler.Wrap_Clamp.
int Filter_Linear
No description available
int Filter_Nearest
No description available
int Wrap_Clamp
No description available
int Wrap_Mirror
No description available
int Wrap_Repeat
No description available
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Texture Descriptor -- options for creating a texture.
Default constructor for TextureDesc.
int depth
Depth in texels. Default is 1.
int dimension
Texture dimension. Valid options are defined in the Texture.Dimension_* enum. Default is Texture.Dimension_2D.
int format
Texture format. Valid options are defined in the Texture.Format_* enum. Default is Texture.Format_RGBA8Unorm.
int height
Height in texels. Default is 1.
int mips
Number of mip levels. Default is 1.
int usage
Bit mask of texture usage flags. Valid flags are defined in the Texture.Usage_* enum. Default is Texture.Usage_All, which enables all usages.
int width
Width in texels. Default is 1.
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Options for writing to a texture.
Default constructor for TextureWriteDesc.
int depth
Depth of write region. Default 0.
int height
Height of write region. Default 0.
int mip
Which mip level to write to. Default is 0 (base level)
int width
Width of write region. Default 0.
int x
X offset of write region. Default 0.
int y
Y offset of write region. Default 0.
int z
Z offset of write region. Default 0.
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Options for loading a texture from a file.
Default constructor for TextureLoadDesc.
int flip_y
Flip the image vertically before loading. Default false.
int gen_mips
Generate mipmaps for the texture. Default true.
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