// name: JacoBass-algo1.ck // desc: ALL NEW for 2024! JacoBass 4op FM (TX81Z Algorithm 1) // This Algorithm can also do many other classic patches // See honkeytonk-algo1.ck, nylon-guitar-algo1.ck, etc. // for how to do this // // author: Perry R. Cook // date: June 2024, for Hackathon 2024 // needs chuck or above // to learn more about FM Algorithm 1, uncomment this: // HnkyTonk.help(); public class JacoBass extends Chugraph { // use Algorithm 1 HnkyTonk b => Pan2 p => Chorus c => NRev r => outlet; 0.04 => r.mix; [1,1,1,7] @=> int waveForms[]; // [99,80,81,67] @=> int opGains[]; // from the actual patch, too bright [99,80,81,37] @=> int opGains[]; [0.5,0.48,0.52,1.0] @=> float ratios[]; // [17,16,21,7] @=> int attacks[]; // from the actual patch [17,21,21,7] @=> int attacks[]; // I like these better [8,11,11,2] @=> int decays[]; [11,12,11,15] @=> int sustains[]; [8,8,8,8] @=> int releases[]; for (int op; op < 4; op++) { // b.setOpWave(op,waveForms[op]); // sine waves all b.opGain(op,b.getFMTableGain(opGains[op])); b.opADSR(op, b.getFMTableTime(attacks[op]), b.getFMTableTime(decays[op]), b.getFMTableSusLevel(sustains[op]), b.getFMTableTime(releases[op])); b.opRatio(op,ratios[op]); b.lfoDepth(0.1); } fun void freq(float f) { f => b.freq; } fun void noteOn(int n) { n => b.noteOn; } fun void noteOff(int n) { n => b.noteOff; } } JacoBass b => NRev rev => dac; // solo bass 0.03 => rev.mix; Noise n => ADSR e => ResonZ rez => Pan2 p => rev; // "hi hat" 0.4 => p.pan; Impulse imp => ResonZ rez2 => rev; // "kick drum" 9000 => rez.freq; 12 => rez.Q; 3.0 => rez.gain; // hi hat 100 => rez2.freq; 8 => rez2.Q; // kick drum .5 => rev.gain; // a volume knob 0.12::second => dur S; 0 => int beat; 0 => int meas; // 0 = flag to start, > 0 = measure# 1 => int notDone; Std.mtof(48) => b.freq; // a couple of solo bass notes 1 => b.noteOn; second/2 => now; Std.mtof(64) => b.freq; // to start things off //1 => b.noteOn; 1.3*second => now; Std.mtof(60) => b.freq; // 1 => b.noteOn; 0.12::second; // 1 => b.noteOn; 3*0.12::second; while( notDone ) { // do drums and keep track of song position spork ~ teenTown(); for (1 => int meas; meas < 33; meas++) { 300 => imp.next; // kick drum (0.001,0.12,0.0,0.001) => e.set; // hi hat closed 1 => e.keyOn; S => now; if (maybe) 1 => e.keyOn; S => now; (0.001,0.24,0.0,0.001) => e.set; // hi hat open 1 => e.keyOn; S => now; if (beat % 4 == 3) 1 => e.keyOn; S => now; beat++; } } fun void teenTown() { // transcription of the 1st few bars [36,48,36,46,36,43,36,39,40,43,45,43,40,38,37,45, 42,35,35,29,32,33,36,38,36,41,33,43,44,45,48,50, 51,52,47,45,47,38,38,39,40,43,38,38,35,36,37,45, 42,36,35,40,37,38,38,36,29,29,36,37,38,40,41,42, 43,44,45,39] @=> int notes[]; [0.00, 0.12, 0.23, 0.35, 0.47, 0.59, 0.70, 0.82, 0.94, 1.05, 1.17, 1.29, 1.41, 1.52, 1.64, 1.88, 1.99, 2.11, 2.34, 3.75, 3.98, 4.10, 4.22, 4.34, 4.45, 4.57, 4.69, 4.80, 4.92, 5.04, 5.16, 5.27, 5.39, 5.51, 5.62, 5.74, 5.86, 5.98, 6.09, 7.85, 7.97, 8.09, 8.20, 8.44, 9.49, 9.61, 9.73, 9.84, 9.96, 10.08, 10.20, 10.31, 10.43, 11.60, 11.72, 11.84, 11.95, 12.29, 13.69, 13.81, 13.93, 14.16, 14.28, 14.40, 14.63, 14.85, 14.87, 14.95] @=> float ons[]; [S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, 0.23::second, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, 0.70::second, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S] @=> dur durs[]; 3*S => now; // rests to begin now => time start; for (int i; i < notes. cap(); i++) { Std.mtof(notes[i]+12) => b.freq; 1 => b.noteOn; <<< Std.ftoa(now/second,2), i, notes[i] >>>; durs[i] => now; 1 => b.noteOff; while (ons[i] > ((now-start)/second)) ms => now; } }