// name: honkeytonk-algo1.ck // desc: ALL NEW! HonkyTonk 4op FM (TX81Z Algorithm 1) // This Algorithm can also do PumpOrgn, NylonGuit, others // See nylon-guitar-algo1.ck for how to do this // // author: Perry R. Cook // date: June 2021, for REPAIRATHON 2021 // needs chuck or above // to learn more about HnkyTonk, uncomment this: // HnkyTonk.help(); // ugens! HnkyTonk h[8]; Pan2 p[8]; Chorus c[2] => NRev r[2] => dac; // turn volume down a bit 0.33 => r[0].gain => r[1].gain; 0.07 => c[0].mix; 0.07 => c[1].mix; 0.04 => r[0].mix; 0.04 => r[1].mix; for (int i; i < 8; i++) { h[i] => p[i] => c; -0.4 + 0.2*i => p[i].pan; Math.random2f(6.95,7.05) => h[i].lfoSpeed; 0.04 => h[i].lfoDepth; } Std.mtof(36) => h[0].freq; Std.mtof(41) => h[1].freq; Std.mtof(53) => h[2].freq; Std.mtof(57) => h[3].freq; Std.mtof(60) => h[4].freq; [69,72,74,76,77,81] @=> int melody[]; // triplets (bass 1, bass 2, repeats) // must contain 3-multiple of elements [41, 48, 4, 41, 48, 4, 38, 50, 2, 34, 53, 2]@=> int bass[]; // bass counter 0 => int n; // drop amount 0 => int drop; // start with bass line bassLine( bass[0], bass[1], 4 ); // play melody concurrently over... spork ~ doMelody(); // ... the bass line while( true ) { // play current chord bassLine( bass[n*3] + drop, bass[n*3+1], bass[n*3+2] ); // increment counter n++; // reset drop 0 => drop; // end of cycle? (if yes, start over but with a drop) if( n >= bass.size()/3 ) { 0 => n; -12 => drop; } } fun void doMelody() { while( true ) { Std.mtof(melody[Math.random2(0,5)]) => h[5].freq; Math.random2f(.75,1) => h[5].noteOn; if (maybe*maybe) { Std.mtof(melody[Math.random2(0,5)]) => h[6].freq; Math.random2f(.5,.75) => h[6].noteOn; } Math.random2(1,3)*second/8 => now; } } fun void bassLine( int note1, int note2, int thisManyTimes ) { // set thumb1 note Std.mtof(note1) => h[1].freq; // repeat repeat( thisManyTimes ) { 1 => h[1].noteOn; second/2 => now; .75 => h[2].noteOn; .75 => h[3].noteOn; .75 => h[4].noteOn; second/2 => now; if (maybe*maybe) Std.mtof(note2) => h[0].freq; else Std.mtof(note2-12) => h[0].freq; 1 => h[0].noteOn; second/2 => now; .75 => h[2].noteOn; .75 => h[3].noteOn; .75 => h[4].noteOn; second/2 => now; } }