//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: midi2osc-s.ck // desc: starter code for sending MIDI input out to OSC // // author: Ge Wang (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/) // date: Spring 2024 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global values //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // destination host | == multicast "localhost" => string HOSTNAME; // destination port number 6449 => int PORT; // accept MIDI input from up to this number of devices 16 => int NUM_DEVICES; // OSC transmitter OscOut XMIT; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialization routines //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialize MIDI if( !initMIDI( NUM_DEVICES ) ) me.exit(); // initialize OSC initOSC( XMIT, HOSTNAME, PORT ); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // infinite time loop //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- while( true ) 1::second => now; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialize OSC //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- fun void initOSC( OscOut xmit, string hostname, int port ) { // aim the transmitter at destination xmit.dest( hostname, port ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // common OSC sends //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // send message with an arbitrary number of floats fun void send( string address, float values[] ) { // start the message... XMIT.start( address ); // loop and add float values for( float v : values ) { v => XMIT.add; } // send the message XMIT.send(); } // send message with int with an arbitrary number of floats fun void send( string address, int num, float values[] ) { // start the message... XMIT.start( address ); // add int num => XMIT.add; // loop and add float values for( float v : values ) { v => XMIT.add; } // send the message XMIT.send(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialize MIDI //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- fun int initMIDI( int numDevices ) { // devices to open (try: chuck --probe) MidiIn midi[numDevices]; // opens MIDI input devices one by one, starting from 0, until it // reaches one it can't open. then waits for midi events on all open // devices and prints out the device, and contents of the MIDI message for( int i; i < midi.size(); i++ ) { // no print err midi[i].printerr( 0 ); // open the device if( midi[i].open( i ) ) { <<< "device", i, "->", midi[i].name(), "->", "open: SUCCESS" >>>; spork ~ midi_go( midi[i], i ); } else { midi.size( i ); break; } } // check if( midi.size() == 0 ) { <<< "(midi2osc-s.ck) no MIDI input devices found, exiting...", "" >>>; return false; } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MIDI handler (on per device) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- fun void midi_go( MidiIn min, int id ) { // the message MidiMsg msg; // infinite event loop while( true ) { // wait on event min => now; // print message while( min.recv( msg ) ) { // print MIDI message with device id (useful for debugging) // <<< "MIDI input on device", id, ":", msg.data1, msg.data2, msg.data3 >>>; // knobs if( msg.data1 == 185 ) { send( "/foo/control/knob", msg.data2, [ msg.data3/127.0 ] ); } else if( msg.data1 == 153 ) { send( "/foo/control/button", msg.data2, [ msg.data3/127.0 ] ); } } } }