// usage examples for a number of Machine functions // (requires chuck- or higher) // // see ChucK API Reference on Machine // https://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/reference/base.html#Machine // // or uncomment the next line to print Machine usage // Machine.help() // print language version <<< "chuck version:", Machine.version() >>>; // keep informed <<< "\nMachine.eval() example...", "" >>>; // compile the string as code and spork it as a new shred // also see eval.ck for more on Machine.eval() Machine.eval( "repeat(5) { <<< Math.random2f(0,1) >>>; }" ); // keep informed <<< "\nwaiting for half a second...", "" >>>; // advance time .5::second => now; // keep informed <<< "\ntrying some shred management...", "" >>>; // add Machine.add( me.dir() + "test1.ck:foo" ) => int id; // yield to give new shred a chance to run me.yield(); // replace Machine.replace( id, me.dir() + "test2.ck:bar:5" ) => id; // yield to give new shred a chance to run me.yield(); // print current VM status (list of shreds) Machine.printStatus(); // remove shred Machine.remove( id ); // keep informed <<< "\ntrying more Machine functions...", "" >>>; // print current VM time Machine.printTimeCheck(); // reset shred IDs to current highest + 1 Machine.resetShredID(); // remove all shreds (including this one!) Machine.removeAllShreds(); // reset type system and all global variables; remove all shreds // Machine.clearVM(); // unreachable code <<< "shouldn't get here" >>>;