//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: read-wav-raw.ck // desc: example that illustrates manually parsing and rendering a // mono WAV file. This demonstrates using FileIO in binary mode. // FYI in practice, use SndBuf for easier audio file playback! // requires: chuck- or higher // // author: Perry R. Cook // date: Summer 2023 // credit "saigon44.wav": opening words from /Apocalypse Now/ //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // warn people what is about to happen <<< "raw mono WAV file reader!!", "" >>>; // default file me.dir() + "saigon44.wav" => string filename; // look at command line if( me.args() > 0 ) me.arg(0) => filename; // instantiate a file IO object FileIO fio; // open a file for reading in BINARY mode fio.open( filename, IO.READ | IO.BINARY ); // ensure it's ok if( !fio.good() ) { // print error message cherr <= "can't open file: " <= filename <= " for reading..." <= IO.newline(); // bail me.exit(); } // variable to read into int val; // header "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCD" @=> string header; // .wav header details: // struct wavhdr { // char riff[4]; /* "RIFF" */ // int flength; /* file length in bytes */ // char wave[4]; /* "WAVE" */ // char fmt[4]; /* "fmt " */ // int block_size; /* in bytes (generally 16) */ // short format_tag; /* 1=PCM, 257=Mu-Law, 258=A-Law, 259=ADPCM */ // short num_chans; /* 1=mono, 2=stereo */ // int srate; /* Sampling rate in samples per second */ // int bytes_per_sec; /* bytes per second */ // short bytes_per_samp; /* 2=16-bit mono, 4=16-bit stereo */ // short bits_per_samp; /* Number of bits per sample */ // char data[4]; /* "data" */ // int dlength; /* data length in bytes (filelength - 44) */ // }; // read in the WAV file header, field by field // FYI since chuck-, in binary mode, readInt() for IO.INT8, // IO.INT16, or IO.INT32 by default returns unsigned integers; to read // signed integers, call readInt() with IO.SINT8, IO.SINT16, or IO.SINT32 // e.g., IO.SINT16 is used below when reading signed 16-bits samples // "RIFF" fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(0,val); fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(1,val); fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(2,val); fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(3,val); // file length fio.readInt( IO.INT32 ) => int flength; // "WAVE" fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(8,val); fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(9,val); fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(10,val); fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(11,val); // "fmt " fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(12,val); fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(13,val); fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(14,val); fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(15,val); // file info fio.readInt( IO.INT32 ) => int blockSize; fio.readInt( IO.INT16 ) => int format; fio.readInt( IO.INT16 ) => int numChannels; fio.readInt( IO.INT32 ) => int sRate; fio.readInt( IO.INT32 ) => int bytesPerSecond; fio.readInt( IO.INT16 ) => int bytesPerSample; fio.readInt( IO.INT16 ) => int bitsPerSample; // "data" fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(36,val); fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(37,val); fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(38,val); fio.readInt( IO.INT8 ) => val; header.setCharAt(39,val); // size of data region in bytes fio.readInt( IO.INT32 ) => int dLength; <<< "***", header, "***" >>>; <<< "---------------------", "" >>>; <<< "File Length =", flength >>>; <<< "Block Size =", blockSize >>>; <<< "Format =", format >>>; <<< "Num Chans =", numChannels >>>; <<< "Sample Rate =", sRate >>>; <<< "Bytes/Sec =", bytesPerSecond >>>; <<< "Bytes/Sample =", bytesPerSample >>>; <<< "Bits/Sample =", bitsPerSample >>>; <<< "Data Length =", dLength >>>; <<< "---------------------", "" >>>; // check if( numChannels > 1 ) { // print error message <<< "WAV file contains", numChannels, "channels..." >>>; <<< "this examples only supports mono WAV files...", "" >>>; // bail me.exit(); } // render the waveform Impulse imp => dac; // number of samples dLength / bytesPerSample => int numSamples; // array float samples[numSamples]; // sample number 0 => int n; // loop until end while( n < numSamples ) // while( fio.more() ) // (^ this may not always work; WAV files may contain debris beyond data region) { // read the next sample: signed 16-bit integer fio.readInt( IO.SINT16 ) => int sample; // map sample value from [-32768,32767] to [-1,1] Math.remap(sample, -32768, 32767, -1, 1) => samples[n++] => imp.next; // print dot every 1000 samples if( n % 1000 == 0 ) { chout <= "."; chout.flush(); } // print marker every second if( n % sRate == 0 ) { chout <= "|"; chout.flush(); } // advance one sample samp => now; }