//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // name: genre-classify.ck // desc: a real-time genre-classifier using the features extracted using // GTZAN dataset + features-extract.ck // // version: need chuck version or higher // sorting: part of ChAI (ChucK for AI) // // USAGE: run in any real-time mode (default) // > chuck classify-genres.ck // // uncomment the next line to learn more about the KNN2 object: // KNN2.help(); // // date: Spring 2023 // authors: Ge Wang (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/) // Yikai Li //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // input: pre-extracted features file with labels me.dir() + "data/gtzan-23.txt" => string FEATURES_FILE; // if have arguments, override filename if( me.args() > 0 ) me.arg(0) => FEATURES_FILE; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // expected features file format: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // VALUE VALUE ... VALUE LABEL // VALUE VALUE ... VALUE LABEL // ... ... ... ... LABEL // VALUE VALUE ... VALUE LABEL //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // unit analyzer network: this must match the features in the features file //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // audio input into a FFT adc => FFT fft; // a thing for collecting multiple features into one vector FeatureCollector combo => blackhole; // add spectral feature: Centroid fft =^ Centroid centroid =^ combo; // add spectral feature: Flux fft =^ Flux flux =^ combo; // add spectral feature: RMS fft =^ RMS rms =^ combo; // add spectral feature: MFCC fft =^ MFCC mfcc =^ combo; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setting analysis parameters -- also should match what was used during extration //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // set number of coefficients in MFCC (how many we get out) // 13 is a commonly used value; using less here for printing 20 => mfcc.numCoeffs; // set number of mel filters in MFCC 10 => mfcc.numFilters; // do one .upchuck() so FeatureCollector knows how many total dimension combo.upchuck(); // get number of total feature dimensions combo.fvals().size() => int NUM_DIMENSIONS; // set FFT size 2048 => fft.size; // set window type and size Windowing.hann(fft.size()) => fft.window; // our hop size (how often to perform analysis) 2048::samp => dur HOP; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // load feature data; read important global values like numPoints and numCoeffs //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // values to be read from file 0 => int numPoints; // number of points in data 0 => int numCoeffs; // number of dimensions in data // file read PART 1: read over the file to get numPoints and numCoeffs loadFile( FEATURES_FILE ) @=> FileIO @ fin; // check if( !fin.good() ) me.exit(); // check dimension if( numCoeffs != NUM_DIMENSIONS ) { // error <<< "[error] expecting:", NUM_DIMENSIONS, "dimensions; but features file has:", numCoeffs >>>; // stop me.exit(); } // labels of all data points string inLabels[numPoints]; // label indices of all data points int inLabelsInt[inLabels.size()]; // feature vectors of data points float inFeatures[numPoints][numCoeffs]; // keys string labels[0]; // use as map: labels to numbers int label2int[0]; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // array for storing features //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // how much time to aggregate features for each file // (this does not need to match extraction; might play with this number) .5::second => dur EXTRACT_TIME; // given EXTRACT_TIME and HOP, how many frames per file? (EXTRACT_TIME / HOP) $ int => int numFrames; // use this for new input float features[numFrames][numCoeffs]; // average values of coefficients across frames float featureMean[numCoeffs]; // for printing int lengths[0]; // for printing (how much to indent) int indents[0]; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // read the data //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ readData( fin ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // set up our KNN object to use for classification // (KNN2 is a fancier version of the KNN object) // -- run KNN2.help(); in a separate program to see its available functions -- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KNN2 knn; // k nearest neighbors 10 => int K; // results vector float knnResult[labels.size()]; // knn train knn.train( inFeatures, inLabelsInt ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // real-time classification loop //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ while( true ) { // aggregate features over a period of time for( int frame; frame < numFrames; frame++ ) { //------------------------------------------------------------- // a single upchuck() will trigger analysis on everything // connected upstream from combo via the upchuck operator (=^) // the total number of output dimensions is the sum of // dimensions of all the connected unit analyzers //------------------------------------------------------------- combo.upchuck(); // get features for( int d; d < NUM_DIMENSIONS; d++) { // store them in current frame combo.fval(d) => features[frame][d]; } // advance time HOP => now; } // compute means for each coefficient across frames for( int d; d < NUM_DIMENSIONS; d++ ) { // zero out 0.0 => featureMean[d]; // loop over frames for( int j; j < numFrames; j++ ) { // add features[j][d] +=> featureMean[d]; } // average numFrames /=> featureMean[d]; } //------------------------------------------------- // predict using KNN2; results filled in knnResults //------------------------------------------------- knn.predict( featureMean, K, knnResult ); // print results chout <= "-------------------------------------------------" <= IO.newline(); // print for each label for( int i; i < knnResult.size(); i++ ) { // print label chout <= labels[i] <= ":"; // print indentatation for( int ii; ii < indents[i]; ii++ ) { chout <= " "; } // print probability chout <= knnResult[i] <= IO.newline(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // end of real-time classification loop //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // function: load data file //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fun FileIO loadFile( string filepath ) { // reset 0 => numPoints; 0 => numCoeffs; // load data FileIO fio; if( !fio.open( filepath, FileIO.READ ) ) { // error <<< "cannot open file:", filepath >>>; // close fio.close(); // return return fio; } string str; string line; // read file int array while( fio.more() ) { // read each line fio.readLine().trim() => str; // check if empty line if( str != "" ) { numPoints++; str => line; } } // a string tokenizer StringTokenizer tokenizer; // set to last non-empty line tokenizer.set( line ); // -1 (to account for label) -1 => numCoeffs; // see how many, including label name while( tokenizer.more() ) { tokenizer.next(); numCoeffs++; } // check if( numPoints == 0 || numCoeffs <= 0 ) { <<< "no data in file:", filepath >>>; fio.close(); return fio; } // print <<< "# of data points:", numPoints, "dimensions:", numCoeffs >>>; // done for now return fio; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // function: read the data //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fun void readData( FileIO fio ) { // rewind the file reader fio.seek( 0 ); // read file int array string str; int ci, ri; while( fio => str ) { // check for last if( (ci != 0) && ((ci % numCoeffs) == 0) ) { // read in label str => inLabels[ri]; // set in map 1 => label2int[str]; // increment row ri++; // reset column 0 => ci; } else { // store feature value Std.atof(str) => inFeatures[ri][ci]; // increment column ci++; } } // get keys from map label2int.getKeys( labels ); // assign index for( int i; i < labels.size(); i++ ) { i => label2int[labels[i]]; } // convert in labels to ints for( int i; i < inLabels.size(); i++ ) { // get index as int label2int[inLabels[i]] => inLabelsInt[i]; } // max length 0 => int maxLength; // get lengths of label names for printing for( int i; i < labels.size(); i++ ) { // compare with max length if( labels[i].length() > maxLength ) labels[i].length() => maxLength; // append to array lengths << labels[i].length(); } // get lengths of label names for printing for( int i; i < lengths.size(); i++ ) { // get indent for length indents << (maxLength + 1 ) - lengths[i]; } }